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Supporting Racine's Black-Owned Businesses and the AACCGR

  • Thursday, April 08, 2021
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • online via Zoom
  • 78


  • You are a Guest of TEMPO Racine if you have been invited to attend by a TEMPO Racine member, or if you have received our emails or attended previous meetings.
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Come and empower each other as business owners and members of the community, 

During this session, the African American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Racine (AACCGR) will share ways that Black and other minority businesses in Racine continue to thrive and how we can support those efforts. Don’t forget to join the networking session, before the meeting, the AACCGR will be leading us in a women’s history trivia competition with a prize dinner for the winner.

Learn about presenter, Nikki Payne:

Nikki is the Public Involvement and Outreach Manager for SEWRPC (Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission), which is the official metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and regional planning commission (RPC) for the seven counties of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington, and Waukesha. In this role, she listens to and educates grassroots’ organizations and public officials on the regional strategic long range planning initiatives 

A dedicated volunteer throughout the Southeastern Region, Nikki currently serves as the District 1 American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Lead representative, African American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Racine Community Outreach Chair, Kenosha Public Library Foundation Board Chair, Kenosha United Way Board member, Kenosha’s Kindness Week committee member, Racine County Economic Development Corporation (RCEDC) Leadership Council member, Urban Economic Development Association (UEDA) Board member, Society of Governmental Meeting Professionals (SGMP) National Membership Co-chair and SGMP Rocket City Chapter Executive Board member, as the Planner Director, and Women and Children’s Horizon Mardi Gras planning committee member.

Serving women leaders and businesses throughout SE Wisconsin.

Located in Racine, WI

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